I've just returned from Cape Town, South Africa after an amazing time spent with African Leadership friends. We traipsed around the Western Cape on the Garden Route where I visited caves in the mountains near the earth's first humans, I rode ostriches (the most hilarious expereience!), paraglided along the coastline of Brighten Bay (a new lifetime hobby) and generally enjoyed the summer sun and everything that comes with it.
I just arrived back to Mozambique yesterday and am looking upon big changes to take place this month and the next. Among these changes means me leaving the church I have been working with. We have decided that the intentions for Project Rx and the church itself are not really aligned. We have come to the conclusion that it is best if we work Project Rx through another ministry or another church, where the full potential of the project can be met.
The church is in the midst of organizing several hundred students in the area with the focus of bringing up future leaders in the church. The church feels that it cannot give full independence to the accomplishing of the goals as Project Rx intended them to be implemented because their goals lie in such different areas. In short, the implementation of Project Rx in this area cannot be carried out as orignially planned due to a misinterpretation of the goals of both the church and Project Rx.
After meeting with the head of African Leadership in SA, we concluded that I would pursue a job opportunity offered to me outside of Project Rx. The pastor of the church and I have yet to discuss how to continue/wrap up what has already been accomplished. I have the full intention of doing what is needed to see that the garden is utilized to its fullest potential.
I have been given the names of two other local churches established in the rural areas that would be willing to have Project Rx enter their church ministry. I am looking forward to making these relationships and am going forth with great optimism for what we can accomplish.
Amidst these unforeseen changes I am looking with such great hope for Project Rx and what is to come. Although the project is not going as orginially planned, there is still so much potential for the project and where it can continue to work here in Mozambique.
I will be updating everyone more regularly about what changes are taking place. If you have any direct questions, please feel free to email me about specifics.
aromero@projectrx.org, +258-847-139-075
PS sorry there are no pictures and the updates have been so sparse! Since I arrived here, the logic board on my macbook has been corrupted and is finally/still being repaired in Cape Town :(
Nearly nine million under-fives die each year in developing countries