If you feel compelled to donate we are now rolling out "MZ 101" or "Mozambique 101" where we are asking $101 to combat some of the most prevalent causes of death throughout the nation.
If you are considering making a donation or pledging a certain amount, you can make checks payable to and send funds directly to Project Rx at PO Box 5544 Santa Fe, NM 87502. (If you need tax deductible information please contact me directly at 505.470.6684). Or, you can donate online through Facebook at our Project Rx cause page.
Project Rx seeks to combat the top 5 leading causes of death with the $101 Mozambican Medical Kit. With this medical kit, Project Rx has the potential to outreach to countless families and individuals to combat the deadliest, although preventable, causes of death.
Nearly 3 of 5 Mozambicans die from five preventable causes: HIV/AIDS, malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections including bronchitis and pneumonia, and perinatal conditions. As a result, the average Mozambican lives to just 41 years old (the average American will live for 78 years).
Only 33% of males and 24% of females ages 15-24 have comprehensive correct understanding of prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS. Project Rx will help give them the tools and knowledge to protect themselves from the deadliest agent within Mozambique.
#2 - Malaria
Malaria is the leading cause of death among children in Mozambique, (where one in four children does not live to see his or her fifth birthday). Malaria kills more than 3,000 people each day in sub-Saharan Africa. In Mozambique, 1 in 5 deaths can be prevented with bed nets.
#3 - Diarrhea
Diarrheal disease can come about in a number of different ways, including but not limited to contaminated water, malnutrition, lack of vaccination, and improper perinatal care. It is the within the top 3 causes of death for children under five and is completely preventable with proper education and intervention with those with diarrhea.
#4 - Respiratory Diseases
Respiratory diseases include bronchitis or pneumonia. Because there are few antibiotics that exist in rural Mozambican areas, home remedies remain the best option.
#5 - To Combat Poor Perinatal Conditions
Perinatal conditions are considered the five months before birth and one month after birth. This is the most important health developmental period for a young child and can be the defining factor of death before five years of age. Proper care of children in the perinatal condition includes proper education in breastfeeding and early childhood development.
$101 Mozambican Medical Kit Includes:
#1 - HIV/AIDS | |
HIV/AIDS education | Free[i] |
#2 - Malaria | |
Bed net | $10 |
#3 - Diarrhea | |
Oral Rehydration Therapy[ii] | $1 |
Breastfeeding education | Free |
Vaccination education | Free |
Children’s multivitamins | $2 |
Micronutrient and food supplements | See community garden info |
All-purpose water filters[iii] | $20 |
#4 - Respiratory diseases | |
Saltwater gargle[iv] | $1 |
Ibuprofen[v] | $20 |
#5 - Poor perinatal conditions | |
Prenatal health education | Free |
Prenatal vitamins[vi] | $16 |
General health | |
Solar-powered thermometer[vii] | $11 |
First aid kit[viii] | $20 |
First aid education | Free |
| Total: $101 |
[i] Andrea’s Living Expenses = $520/mo. Rent = $280/mo + Food = $150/mo (food is, sadly, very expensive in Mz)+ Misc Needs (toiletries, emergency spending, health needs, etc.) = $70/mo
[ii] ORT is a liquid solution, (compared to something like Pedialyte), that is used to combat dehydration that causes diarrheal disease, the second largest killer of children under five years of age and the number three killer of Mozambicans, overall.
[iii] Water filters can benefit 58% of Mozambicans who still do not have access to a clean water source. A $20 filter will provide 425 gallons of clean drinking water, enough for a family for three months.
[iv] $1 will provide 100 gallons of saltwater gargle
[v] $20 will provide 1000 (200 mg) ibuprofen tablets
[vi] $16 will provide 250 capsules, including vitamins A, B12, C, D, and E, folic acid, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxinem niacinimide, zinc, and iron.
[vii] One simple thermometer per family can alert parents of potential health threats. For example, each of the top five causes of death is associated with fever, which can be easily detected with a thermometer. This simple tool can prevent confusion or uncertainty of preliminary warnings of a potentially dire health situation.
[viii] The first aid kit includes absorbent compresses, adhesive bandages, adhesive cloth tape, triple antibiotic ointment, hand sanitizer, antiseptic wipes, aspirin, space blanket, a breathing barrier, and an instant cold compress.
GS 102 – Gardening Supplies 102
What $102 will get you in the Machava Village Community Garden.
With all health supplies that we seek to provide, a health and sustainable food source needs to follow suit. Listed at the bottom of the top 10 causes of death is malnutrition, which is often associated with all causes of death because of the difficulty of recovery from certain illnesses without proper nutrition.
The community garden is one sustainable way we can gather community participants to create their own future of sustainable food, where the local people are supported by the work they put in.
Hoe = $10
Compost Station = $10
Soil = $15/100 lb. bag
Shovel = $25
Seeds = $42/ variety of local seeds for a sustainable crop
Labor = Free; with community participation
All health data was derived from World Health Organization reports from 2002-2009. All expenses reported for each individual good was derived from the cheapest price cataloged through extensive searches throughout the web.