Monday, February 25, 2013

Public Agricultural Investment Requirements and Decisions in Mozambique

I love coming to the point where the path I've chosen actually touches and recognizes my past decisions to support agriculture in Mozambique.  Although I am now living on the other side of the world in New Mexico, United States, I can still recognize the fabulous of the course my life has taken to revisit what I truly find important to the world. Thank you ReSAKSS, IFPRI, and especially, Mozambique for this.


As the government of Mozambique embarks on its National Agriculture Investment Plan (or Programa Nacional de Investimento do Sector Agrário (PNISA)), one of the major challenges that the investment planning team faces is assessing the amount and types of investments that will be needed to bring about desired changes, particularly to achieve a 7 percent agricultural growth rate each year. A new IFPRI discussion paper, titled Public Expenditures in Agriculture in Mozambique, discusses the types and amount of public agricultural investments required in order for the country to achieve its own development goals as established in the context of the CAADP framework, as well as the factors that drive public investment decisions.

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